Learning and Community Engagement

35 Years Serving Students in NYC and Beyond

MTC created the first education department in a major theatre company in New York City in 1989. That initial endeavor has grown over the past 35 years into a world class, acclaimed program that has served well over 100,000 learners of all ages locally, nationally, and on five continents.

Now known as MTC Learning and Community Engagement, we create experiences that empower learners to engage joyfully and authentically with live theatre as authors, audience, and administrators. This work centers equity, diversity, and inclusion, and is driven further by our core values of community and connection, inquiry and reflection, authenticity in storytelling, and joy. Each year, we achieve our mission by working with approximately 3,000 learners in three major spaces: classroom, community, and career.

MTC’s teaching artists are central to the outstanding educational experiences we offer high school students and lifelong learners. Click here to learn more about our faculty.

Classroom Programming

Lights Up!

Students attend a matinee of an MTC production after intensive classroom preparation. Four workshops with MTC teaching artists supported by classroom teachers enrich students’ experiences at the performance. Students discuss the play, do improvisations on its themes, perform key excerpts, and write scenes of their own. This work provides specific insights into the plays being studied and deepens the students’ understanding of theatre in general.

  • Lights Up! reached 1,572 high school students during the 2023-24 school year.
  • I loved the way the students reflected, wrote, and created… [Our teaching artist] was phenomenal in engaging the students, motivating them, and directing their ideas. We loved the quality of the production and the workshops! – Teacher, High Tech High School
  • “[This whole experience] really motivated me to open my eyes to all the possibilities, not just in a play, but in life, too.” – Student, High School for Fashion Industries
  • “The work we did in class was fun and interactive. It helped me build a better understanding of playwriting and build a better connection with my classmates. As well as that, the production [Poor Yella Rednecks by Qui Nguyen] was very touching to me as my family is also refugees from Vietnam. I even brought them to go see the show again.” – Student, Brooklyn Technical High School

Are you a New York City area high school educator interested in learning more about our Lights Up! program? Please click here to complete an interest form and a member of the MTC Education team will be in touch with you.

Lights Up! Library

High schools anywhere can bring Broadway to their classroom at no cost! The Lights Up! Library unit of study includes National Core Arts Standards-aligned classroom activities and one month’s access to performance recordings of selected productions from the MTC archives. Click here to learn about available productions and register.


Students in geographically disparate communities collaborate on a playwriting and production project via the internet. Classes at each site write an original play based on an MTC production; their play is then produced by students at a partner school. Using distance-learning technologies, students confer with MTC teaching artists, study the MTC play, and communicate with their partner school. The work culminates in a presentation of the plays via video conference.

TheatreLink teachers are required to participate in a professional development conference in the fall. The TheatreLink semester runs from January-May.

  • Since 1997, over 6,000 students have participated in TheatreLink.
  • 369 student written plays have been developed through TheatreLink.
  • “I was surprised by the way… our creative visions really aligned, which was cool to see considering the physical distance between us.” – Student, Springfield High School (Oregon)
  • “I always find it interesting when we receive plays from schools in different states or countries because it enables us to get an insight into the lives and cultures of other students. Their way of speaking and how different it is from ours is always interesting to see…They also have different life experiences, which they are able to communicate through the plays they write.” Student, Spotswood High School (New Jersey)
  • “My students love this program for the interaction with the other schools. I love the program because it covers reading/analyzing of a script, creating an original script, and producing an original script all in one semester.” – Teacher, Collierville High School (Tennessee)
  • “Teaching English as a foreign language, I found that my students managed to cultivate and develop their language skills in a setting which is truly unique… English jumped out of the pages for them, and they learnt to use it as a means to come to an understanding of a play.” – Teacher, Anatolia College (Greece)

Are you a high school educator outside of the Connecticut-New York-New Jersey tri-state area interested in learning more about our TheatreLink program? Please click here to complete an interest form and a member of the MTC Education team will be in touch with you.

Write on the Edge

Students develop original scripts inspired by the Manhattan Theatre Club production they have studied and attended. A team of professional actors, directors, and the classroom teacher supervises the writing and revision process; the project culminates in a performance of the students’ work by the professional actors.

  • Write on the Edge served 308 high school and high school equivalency students during the 2023-24 school year.
  • “My students were given the confidence to see themselves as writers. They became committed to their “vision” and their ownership of the creative work. [They grew] as people, creatives, and theatre lovers. Thank you for providing such an empowering space for them.” – Teacher, Memorial High School
  • “The only term I could use to describe it is ‘eye-opening.’ It taught me the power that story building and human emotion have when combined with each other.” – Student, Judith S. Kaye High School Manhattan
  • “When I was writing the play I never imagined I was going to love it this much. The actors’ performance… was much better than I thought it would be. It was an amazing experience.” – Student, Abraham Lincoln Young Adult Borough Center

Are you a New York City area high school educator interested in learning more about our Write on the Edge program? Please click here to complete an interest form and a member of the MTC Education team will be in touch with you.

Community Programming

Collaborations and Partnerships

Through sustained, authentic partnerships with community-based organizations, we encourage theatre going, foster the art of playwriting, and open doors to perhaps unimagined career paths for individuals who have experienced systemic inequities that have denied or limited their access to theatre and its expansive possibilities. In everything we do, we support and center the work of our community collaborators.

Click here to learn more about our community engagement collaborations and partners.

Family Matinee

High school students bring an adult of their choice to a Saturday-morning workshop focusing on the MTC production they attend in the afternoon. This free program promotes family theatregoing and intergenerational dialogue.

  • 19 unique NYC-area zip codes were represented by 2022-23 Family Matinee participants
  • “I just want to thank you for offering this program. My children (ages 14, 16, 19, 21) have all gotten so much from the workshops over the years. It is a great opportunity for us as a family, in different configurations, to connect with each other. We became more than just mom and kids or siblings. We see each other differently and then see the production and share that experience in a much more full way.” – E. Albert, parent participant
  • “MTC has made some of my students true New Yorkers. I have former students who have decided to explore every corner of the city, from museums to walking tours, because they no longer felt like ‘outsiders’ and they gained confidence from the interactions and maybe even gained faith in people different from themselves. My students often stick to what they know, and MTC allows them expand their horizons.” – Teacher, William H. Maxwell Career and Technical High School

2024-25 Family Matinee Dates:
October 26 – Vladimir
November 16 – Bad Kreyòl
January 11 – Eureka Day
March 15 – Dakar 2000
April 26 – Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends

Advance reservations are required for these events. Please click here if you would like to be added to the Family Matinee invitation mailing list.

Career Programming

Paul A. Kaplan Theater Management Program

The Paul A. Kaplan Theatre Management Program provides a unique opportunity to learn about producing not-for-profit theatre both on and off-Broadway through intensive on-the-job training. There are two exciting tracks as part of the Paul A. Kaplan Theatre Management Program: the Early Career Professional Training track that runs during the producing season and the Summer Internship track. In both tracks, program participants are assigned projects and responsibilities that contribute to the day-to-day running of the company. Additionally, support from supervisors and mentors ensure that participants are not only gaining valuable skills, but also receiving continuous advice and feedback.

  • “The internship as a whole has taught me to create a sustainable work ethic (i.e. collaboration/communication with colleagues, work/life balance, ability to prioritize daily tasks vs. long term goals) within an office environment.” Summer 2022 Intern
  • “The traineeship offered me a very in-depth mentorship experience with the department I’m interested in. I was very involved in creative projects here in MTC as well as introduced to a series of hard and soft skills that are required/expected for a job in [theatre] administration.” 2022-23 Early Career Professional Training Program Participant
  • “The seminars gave me a clear understanding of the company and helped me make an informed decision on what I want to pursue as my career path after the program.” 2022-23 Early Career Professional Training Program Participant
  • “I feel as if I have a vision for what my future career in the arts could look like, for the first time.” Summer 2022 Intern

Click here to learn more about our early career training programs for theatre administrators.

2023-24 Schools Served

Who We Serve
  • 85% of classroom program participants identify as BIPOC
  • 71% of classroom program participants are experiencing economic hardship
  • 29% of classroom program participants attend an alternative high school
  • 34% of 2023-24 Lights Up! theatre preparatory program participants had never attended live theatre prior to their work with MTC
  • 70% of 2023-24 Write on the Edge playwriting program participants wrote a play for the first time

The exploration and creation of artistic works provides students the opportunity to strengthen academic skills related to theatre-making and playwriting. Our learning outcomes align with National Core Arts Standards, New York State Standards for the Arts and for Language Arts, and the New York City Department of Education Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in Theatre.

“This program [Write on the Edge] really motivated students to produce language and express their ideas. Many students in the class are learning English as an additional language, so this helped them with vocabulary and sentence structures as they wrote monologues and dialogue.” – Teacher at Manhattan Academy for Arts and Language (2023)

“Writing this play has increased my understanding of the art and craft of playwriting. It made me become more open to new ideas and [to] think outside the box. – Student at Abraham Lincoln Young Adult Borough Center, Brooklyn (2023)

MTC Learning and Community Engagement also offers students safe and brave spaces to practice social and emotional skills which can lead to long-term empowerment academically, civically, and professionally. These skills include self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship building, and responsible decision-making.

“It was like seeing your feelings on display by amazing people in the rarest form… Letting yourself go in the story, feeling free to tap into an uncharted place and emotion… [This] helped me face my fears of sharing my thoughts and emotions with others. – Student at East River Academy, Rikers Island (2021)

“I learnt that despite living in different places, teenagers around the world experience much of the same societal problems. We were able to understand the issues their play dealt with, and that was a very enlightening experience.” – Student at Diocesan School for Girls, South Africa (2022)

  • 86% of 2023-24 Lights Up! theatre preparatory program participants reported an increase in interest seeing live theatre
  • 84% of 2023-24 Lights Up! participants found the production they attended to be personally meaningful
  • 78% of 2023-24 Lights Up! participants reported feeling a stronger sense of community and/or connection with their classmates.
  • 97% of 2023-24 Write on the Edge playwriting program participants reported an increase in their understanding of the art and craft of playwriting
  • 97% of 2023-24 Write on the Edge participants experienced an increase in their skills and abilities as a playwright
  • 93% of 2023-24 Write on the Edge participants reported feeling a great sense of empathy for others and their lived experiences
  • 100% of 2023-24 career training participants described improvement in theatre administration core competencies

MTC Learning and Community Engagement Funders

MTC Learning and Community Engagement is grateful for the generous support of:

$50,000 +

Bloomberg Philanthropies
Mary Ann and Vincent Q. Giffuni
John Gore Organization
The JPB Foundation
The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation
Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation
Sharon Sullivan and Jeffrey B. Kindler
Tiger Baron Foundation

$20,000 – $49,000

Herbert M. Citrin Charitable Foundation
Gina Leonetti
The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation
The Rona Jaffe Foundation
Sy Syms Foundation

$10,000 – $19,999

The Barbara Bell Cumming Charitable Trust
Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund
Mellam Family Foundation
Sills Family Foundation
Michael Tuch Foundation
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
New York State Council on the Arts

$5,000 – $9,999

The Bulova Stetson Fund
David S. Shrager Foundation
Jephson Educational Trusts
New York City Councilmember Keith Powers

$1,000 – $4,999

Bunny Dell
Linden Arts Fund for Children
The Lotos Foundation
The Leo Model Foundation
Mary Jane Salk
Robert H. Sinclair, Ed.D.
Ina Stangenes
Don Weimer

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